18” Outer diameter 10" Inner Mirror Weight: 8 pounds A stunning green and cream mirror with a luxurious marble base, designed to elevate any living space. Marble is believed to have several metaphysical properties that make it a popular choice for home decor. It is said to promote clarity, focus, and determination, making it a great stone for those who need to concentrate on their work or studies. Marble is also believed to bring a sense of calm and tranquility to any space, making it perfect for creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere where placed. The rim and embellishments are adorned with chip bloodstone and copper, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication. The flowers are crafted with the finest marble and feature exquisite copper and tile centers, offering a unique and eye-catching design. This mirror is the perfect addition to any home, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that will impress all who enter.

  • SKU: 4122

About this Piece

Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone with a range of metaphysical properties. It is believed to enhance physical strength, vitality, and endurance, making it a great stone for athletes or those seeking to improve their physical health and well-being. Bloodstone is also said to be a powerful grounding stone, helping to anchor the energy of the body to the earth and promoting a sense of stability and security. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, helping to relieve stress and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of inner peace. Bloodstone is also said to stimulate creativity and intuition, making it a great stone for artists, writers, and other creative professionals.

Marble is a highly prized stone that has been used for centuries in art and architecture. In metaphysical circles, it is believed to have a range of powerful properties that make it a valuable tool for healing, meditation, and spiritual growth. Marble is said to promote balance and harmony, both within the physical body and in the surrounding environment. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, helping to relieve stress and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of inner peace. Marble is also said to have a grounding effect, helping to anchor the energy of the body to the earth and promoting a sense of stability and security. Additionally, it is believed to enhance creativity and intuition.

Copper: is one of my favorite metals to use and a conduit for happy energy. It is a powerful conductor of energy that has been used for centuries in various metaphysical practices. Copper is believed to be a tool for balancing the chakras, which are the energy centers of the body. Its energy is said to flow freely through the body, helping to remove blockages and promote healing on all levels.
In addition to its metaphysical properties, copper is also known for its ability to enhance the energy of other materials. When used in conjunction with other crystals or stones, copper amplies their energy and help to create a more powerful and harmonious energy field.

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